Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)


The very heart of DAILY LIVING Ministries, Inc. is the desire to get people to spend time daily within God’s Word and to live out the teachings that are found there.


DAILY LIVING Ministries, Inc. provides daily opportunities to allow God’s Word to take priority in our lives. We exist to:
Exalt • Encourage • Assist • Provide
• Exalt God in all that we do

• Encourage people to spend time daily with God and in His Word
• Encourage people to “Be Still” in His presence
• Encourage people to seek after God’s calling upon their lives

• Assist people with expanding their knowledge of God's Word
• Assist people with understanding Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
• Assist people with applying God's Word to their daily lives

• Provide daily insight into walking with God
• Provide daily insight into a relationship with Jesus Christ
• Provide opportunities to reflect upon God’s Word


DAILY LIVING Ministries, Inc. is called to be educational in nature, equipping believers by sharing the passion of God’s Word and the treasures that it holds for our daily lives. It is based on the biblical principles that unite believers into the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-13) and not the denominational differences that the enemy uses to divide.
DAILY LIVING Ministries, Inc. creates and distributes resources that provide ways to bring God’s Word into our daily lives. It is our vision to provide thought provoking and reflective insight into how we compare with God’s plan for our lives. Accountablity is a strong concept. We, as the body of Christ, are accountable to Him, to each other and to ourselves. It is our desire to plant little seeds of accountability into the daily lives of the body of Christ. Seeds that will bear fruit when we need a gentle reminder or a spiritual "pick me up" when the weight of the world comes our way.

God's Word provides the foundation - it provides the conviction. No one can improve upon God’s Word. All that anyone can do is be the conduit through which God’s Word flows. Prayerfully, it will flow to those who are open to its life changing impact. DAILY LIVING Ministries, Inc. intends to answer the call to be one conduit through which God's Word can flow for “. . . such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).

It is the desire of DAILY LIVING Ministries, Inc. that we instill within the body of believers the firm foundational concept that God's Word is for every day and not just Sundays.

That means that we are to put it into action!


Everyone has a passion. Everyone has something that intrigues them and drives them to do what they do. If you are like most people, you have had several of these passions during your lifetime, but there is always a single, underlying passion that drives everything. It is the foundation for everything that you do. All others are secondary. They are all related to your primary purpose in some manner. For many people, their primary purpose does not fully manifest itself until the time is right, until everything that you have experienced has been nurtured and matured to the point of action.

I am a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology. For the longest time, I seemed to simply go with the flow. Albeit, the flow saw me do things without truly pursuing them. Most people who do pursue them never get to take part in the manner that I was able to take part. I got to be part of a team that was tasked with putting together a computer monitoring system for a nuclear power plant. I got to be part of the team that designed many recognizable buildings in Atlanta, L.A., San Francisco, and Times Square in New York. I have a patent in my name. I was VP of Creative Services for a $45 million/year retail design/build firm. I was adjunct faculty at a small design college. I was a nationally recognized consultant and had several trade articles published. I was also able to be involved in the music scene and have many stories to tell, but none of these things were my passion.

It is funny how God will use a still, small moment to get your attention. A little over 25 years ago, my wife and I were sponsored to go on a three day church retreat. The men go one weekend and then the women go the following weeked. During those three days, and the following few weeks, my purpose, my passion, slowly started to come into focus. The number of people in my community who had been on previous weekends like this numbered over one thousand, and they had only the US Postal Service to stay in touch with them. I was asked to put together the email addresses that they had and use these as a basis for mass email communications. These early communications were simply to notify people of upcoming events and urgent prayer requests. I soon found myself wanting to send out positive messages, and so the daily devotionals were born. Recipients started asking if these could be shared, so I opened up the list to anyone who wanted to receive them.

I worked from home during the early years of the daily devotionals. One particular day, something happened that solidified my passion. I have always used two computers, and this particular day had me only working on one computer with the other computer completely turned off. I heard the familiar sound of the second computer starting up and looked over to see that it had started and had loaded a web browser. It opened up a site that I had never been to. It was a site put together by an engineer who set out to disprove the Bible. 60,000 pages later, he had become a follower of Jesus. This experience has given me the drive to read, study and write.

"Be Still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10a) had become my life verse. From the beginning, the daily devotionals were written to be able to be read in just a few minutes. They were created to allow a brief escape from the otherwise hectic lives that we find ourselves living in todays society. These devotionals have always asked pointed questions that basically try to make the reader respond with personal reflections on how they are living up to the concepts presented in the scripture for that day. I do not know how many times that I have heard from people telling me that what I had sent out was exactly what they needed to read that particular day.

To make a long story short, my 25 plus years of doing this have not been without distractions and troubles. I am still a sinful human in need of a Savior. These devotionals are often my reminder to myself to stay the course and to finish the race. As a result, the passages and insight gleaned from my experiences have somehow fallen right into place.

Over the last 25 plus years, I have become a student of God's Word. I read and cross reference many different translations. I have also put some of that experience into Biblically based books. In addition, I have reviewed and edited the devotional archive and have created three devotional journal books.

DAILY LIVING Ministries, Inc. provides daily opportunities to allow God’s Word to take priority in our lives. Based on this mission, the decision was made to focus on providing resources that can go with people on the very thing that all of us take with us everywhere and the very thing that we can't seem to live without - OUR PHONES!

We are a society that seems to not be able to go anywhere without our smartphones. I recently had an epiphony and realized that everything that I have written and built is designed to be at our fingertips on the very things that we just can't seem to live without. The web site is able to be viewed on a phone. The devotionals are able to be viewed on a phone. The books are designed to be able to be read on a phone. If we can't find the time to sit still with a Bible, most people can read on their phones. The resources created by Daily Living Ministries, Inc. are designed to work in conjuction with the apps that are currently installed on your phones and it is recommended that the reader cross reference scriptures by downloading a Bible app. In this ever-increasing hectic world, we need to find any and every opportunity to sit in His presence. We need to find time to "Be Still."

I seldom look at the analytics, but I had a reason to do just that not too long ago. Besides the daily emails, and the postings to social media, the new web site has seen visitors from 128 countries and 6 continents in the last twelve months. Many of these countries would surpise you if I listed them. This country count doesn't even include the visitors to the backup blog site!

God is using Daily Living Ministries to reach the world.

I still find myself using my degree from Georgia Tech. Many days are less than ideal. Deadlines and commitments, pressure and stress still abound, but, I will make a daily decision to sit in His presence. I make a daily decision to share what I am learning.

Dennis Smock
Copyright © 2025 DAILY LIVING Ministries, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Daily Living Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit organization affiliated with GMCI for 501(c)(3) status.
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